Revive Your Sex Drive: The Ultimate Guide to the Best Female Libido Booster

If you’ve recently noticed your libido isn’t what it used to be, there’s no need to panic – it’s pretty common. In fact, 26% of premenopausal women and 52% of menopausal women experience low libido at some point.

The reasons can vary from person to person. Stress, hormonal issues, relationship problems, and some medications can be factors.

Low libido can affect your sexual experiences, your relationships, and your self-esteem. The good news is there are things you can do to get that spark back and enhance your libido.

Here’s a look at our best female libido booster guide. 

What Is the Best Female Libido Booster?

Female libido refers to a woman’s sex drive. Low libido is a common issue for women.

As you age, your libido can ebb and flow or even come to a grinding halt. Low libido can impact your life and significantly affect:

  • Interest in sex
  • Enjoyment of sex
  • Quality of life
  • Vitality
  • Self-esteem

Some factors that can cause a low libido include:

  • Menopause
  • Aging
  • Hormonal issues, such as low estrogen or thyroid problems
  • Medical problems, including cardiovascular disease or obesity
  • Certain medications, such as contraceptives, blood pressure pills, and antidepressants
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic stress
  • Lack of nutrition
  • Lack of exercise
  • Poor sleep quality
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Relationship problems such as poor communication or incompatibility

Low libido can affect your relationship with your significant other and be an obstacle to an enjoyable sex life. The good news is the problem doesn’t have to be permanent.

There are ways to treat the condition and things you can do on your own to help improve your libido.

Manage Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are mood killers. It’s hard to be in the mood for sex when your mind is racing with anxious thoughts. 

Anxiety can worsen sexual dysfunction and impact your life in so many ways. Some ways to manage anxiety include:

  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Counseling
  • Anti-anxiety medications

If you’re dealing with anxiety daily, it can affect your sex life. Finding ways to manage your anxiety can help you feel better, enjoy a better quality of life, and increase your libido.

Treat Depression

Depression makes everything in life harder, including sex. Depression and sexual dysfunction go hand-in-hand.

When you’re depressed, you lose interest in the things you once enjoyed. What came naturally to you at one point, can become a struggle if you’re dealing with depression.

Serious depression isn’t something you want to ignore or try to handle on your own. Seek help if you’re feeling down or sad for lengthy periods.

Treatment for depression can be very effective. In time, as you feel better, it’s likely your interest in sex will improve as well.

Improve Your Sleep

Sleep is crucial for a well-balanced life. Lack of sleep can leave you feeling stressed and exhausted. It can affect your ability to concentrate or perform your work.

In time, this can affect your relationships and your libido. If you have chronic insomnia or another serious sleep disorder, see your doctor. 

Some natural remedies may improve your sleep habits if you have an occasional sleepless night. Natural remedies can affect your libido. 

Natural herbs and adaptogens may improve your sleep and your libido. Some common natural remedies include:


Maca is a Peruvian root and a well-studied aphrodisiac. You can purchase Maca in powder form to add to any smoothie. 

Some people believe Maca-infused drinks can help boost arousal. This herb is also found in pill form.


Ginseng is another herbal root that has shown some promise in improving libido in menopausal women. It’s available in a powder or pill in most health food stores and pharmacies. 

Ginko Biloba

Ginko Biloba is used as an herb extract. Some people use it to treat the physical issues associated with low libido.

Ginko Biloba affects blood flow and may increase your sex drive. It increases blood flow to the genitals and has been shown to positively affect sexual desire and satisfaction.

Other popular libido boosters include:


Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb. Some people use it to reduce stress and enhance their libido.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is a popular food that is rich in antioxidants and phenylethylamine. These ingredients can promote feelings of arousal and pleasure for some women.

Fruits and Fruit Powders

Certain fruits like figs and watermelon contain natural compounds that enhance blood flow. Some people believe certain fruits can also enhance sexual pleasure.

Raw Oysters

Raw oysters are a popular aphrodisiac due to their high concentration of zinc. Many people believe oysters enhance sexual desire and pleasure.

Red Wine

Red wine is popular for its relaxing effect on the body. A glass of red wine can boost sexual desire in some people.

Alcohol is a depressant, so more than one glass can have a sedative effect and reduce your sex drive.


Although coffee isn’t known as an aphrodisiac, the caffeine in coffee does increase your heart rate and energy levels. This may offer a burst of energy that can enhance arousal.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

If you’re dealing with a less-than-ideal sex drive after menopause, it’s not a hopeless situation. There’s no reason you can’t boost your libido and enjoy sex once again.

A woman’s sexual health is about more than just sex, however. It’s about her enjoyment of life and feeling vibrant and alive.

When a woman feels good about her sexuality, she’s more likely to have enjoyable and fulfilling relationships. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a popular option for women hoping to increase their sex drives and regain their sexual desire.

The problem really can be your hormones, and there’s something you can do about it. Hormonal imbalance is the most common culprit for low libido in women.

The Essential Role of Hormones

Hormones play a key role in a woman’s body throughout her life. They are chemical messengers that regulate the body’s functions.

They help regulate physical and emotional changes, including your mood, appetite, sleep, and sexual arousal. A woman’s hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) fluctuate throughout her life.

The highest levels are during puberty, and the lowest levels are during menopause. Hormone fluctuation is normal, and hormone levels naturally decline as you age. However, a lack of estrogen can lead to a variety of unpleasant symptoms and is a frequent cause of a diminished interest in sex. 

Some side effects of a lack of estrogen include:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Low libido
  • Mood swings
  • Lack of vitality
  • Fatigue
  • Painful intercourse
  • Hot flashes

BHRT and Sex Drive

If your doctor believes your lack of libido is due to hormonal issues, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) may be a good solution. This type of hormonal replacement is designed specifically for you, matching the molecular structure of your own hormones.

Plant-based bioidentical hormones are customized for your body and can help rebalance your hormone levels. When this occurs, your libido can rebound too.

There are fewer side effects with BHRT than with other drugs that are used for sexual dysfunction. Some benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement include:

More Lubrication and Less Pain During Sex

A common complaint of menopausal women is pain during sex. That’s a legitimate reason for a lack of libido.

The most common culprit for a lack of lubrication is a hormonal imbalance. BHRT can help regulate hormone levels and boost natural lubrication. 

Greater Sexual Arousal

Low estrogen levels can diminish your sex drive and lead to low libido. Estrogen is the sex hormone that regulates the female reproductive cycle.

When estrogen production is low or nonexistent, it’s natural for your interest in sex to decline. BHRT helps to replace the estrogen you’re missing and restore your interest in sex.

More Energy

If you’re tired all the time, it’s hard to get everything done. It’s even harder to make time for sex.

Hormonal imbalance can lead to sleepless nights, hot flashes, and low libido. With bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, you can regain the energy you need for all of your activities, including sex.


You probably know that exercise is good for your overall health. But did you know regular exercise can improve your sex drive?

Regular exercise can help improve your self-image, increase blood flow, elevate your mood, enhance your cardiovascular health, and boost your libido.

No one form of exercise is the answer. The best form of exercise is the one you’ll actually do. It’s a great idea to mix it up and try new types of exercise.

You may find something you love and enjoy doing on a regular basis. When you feel better mentally and physically, it can lead to a greater enjoyment of life and a renewed interest in sexual activity.

Eat Libido Enhancing Foods

Good nutrition plays a role in sexual health. Although there are no magic foods that will instantly increase your sex drive, eating a healthy diet can improve your well-being and sexual function.

A healthy, well-balanced diet supplies the body with needed nutrients, supports cardiovascular health, and reduces inflammation. A well-nourished body is more likely to have optimal hormone production which can enhance your libido.

The best diet for hormonal health includes one rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean meats, low-fat dairy, nuts, and legumes. A diet low in refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, added sugars, and alcohol is ideal for your overall health and well-being. 

Practice Stress-Reducing Techniques

For men and women, stress is a libido killer. Stress impacts all of the body’s functions, physiological and psychological. This can result in less than satisfying sex.

The CDC recommends a variety of stress-reducing techniques, including yoga, meditation, and journaling to relax the body and reduce your stress levels. if you’re experiencing severe episodes of stress, anxiety, or depression, it’s important to see your doctor.

Mindfulness is a stress-reducing technique that can increase sexual desire. Understanding what is happening in your body can help you relax the mind and body, making it easier to engage in and enjoy your sexuality.

Taking Supplements

There are a variety of supplements associated with enhanced blood flow that may play a role in enhancing libido. Many people use supplements such as Ginseng, Zinc, DHEA, L-arginine, and Horny Goat Weed to improve libido.

The antioxidants in Vitamin E can enhance blood flow, while ginseng is known to increase arousal and desire in some people. L-arginine is an amino acid that is thought to increase blood flow to the genital area. It may help enhance arousal in some women.

DHEA is a hormone precursor that may help regulate hormonal imbalance and enhance the libido. Take caution before starting any new vitamins or supplements.

It’s always a good idea to speak to your doctor before taking a new supplement or medication. 

At What Age Is a Female’s Libido Highest?

There is no specific age when a woman’s libido is at its highest point. It’s normal for libido levels to fluctuate through a woman’s lifetime.

Many factors including stress, relationship dynamics, health, and hormonal changes can affect a woman’s desire for sex. Although it’s normal for your libido to ebb and flow with time, if you have zero interest in sex, you may be wondering what you can do about it.

Your reasons for having a low libido can be completely different from another female your age. Whether it’s stress, your lifestyle, or fluctuating hormones, there is something you can do to revitalize your sex life and restore your libido.

Live Your Best Life and Improve Your Sex Drive

A woman’s sexual health is part of her overall well-being and vitality. if your libido isn’t up to par, there are things you can do to enjoy a healthy sex life once again.

A common culprit of low sex drive is hormone imbalance. If you’re looking for the best female libido booster, bioidentical hormone replacement may be the solution you’re looking for.

At Evolve, we value your health and well-being. Our goal is to give you the tools you need to take control of your health and live your best life. 

Reach out today to learn more about our individualized treatments to help you look and feel your best, inside and out.

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