Natural Sleep Aids: Healthy Support for a Better Night’s Rest

Most adults need a healthy 7-8 hours of sleep a night. In fact, studies have shown that people who sleep for 7 hours may actually live longer. Not getting a good night’s rest can have more of an effect on your body than simply feeling tired the next day. Chronic sleep deprivation (not getting enough sleep regularly) can greatly impact your mental and physical functions and put you at risk of serious health issues. This is why we have chosen to share a few of the best natural sleep aid options for you.

If you are having trouble sleeping, such as suffering from insomnia, there are many healthy sleep support treatments. These can include both pharmaceutical options and natural options such as herbal remedies. All sleep problems should be discussed with a doctor before seeking treatment.  

Read on to find out more about the options available to you to help you get a better night’s rest tonight.

Natural Sleep Aid Options

There is a wide range of natural sleep aid options available. Some require a prescription, whereas others can be purchased from a pharmacist or even a supermarket. As with pharmaceutical options, consult with your doctor or a qualified telemedicine provider before trying the following remedies. 

Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide (DSIP)

Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide (DSIP) is also known as “natural Ambien.” Not only can DSIP help with sleep problems, such as insomnia,  it also has a range of other uses such as alleviating chronic pain conditions, reducing the severity of chronic stress conditions, and helping those going through drug and alcohol withdrawal. 

DSIP will often be prescribed with peptide Epitalon to help with sleep problems and induce deep sleep stages 3 and 4. This is the most restorative sleep that decreases as we age. EVOLVE prescribes its patients with a DSIP 1000mcg/ml injectable treatment, typically administered about an hour and a half before a meal.

Melatonin SR Pharmaceutical Grade

Melatonin is the hormone that controls and regulates a body’s sleep cycle. It is available as a treatment for a wide range of conditions, not all related to sleep. It is, however, primarily used as a method for regulating sleep cycles and improving insomnia. Melatonin can even improve sleep quality during the day, great for those who work at night.

Melatonin SR (sustained-release) pharmaceutical-grade tablets are available for those suffering from sleep disorders. It’s available in oral tablets with a range of dosages, including:

  • 20mg
  • 15mg
  • 10mg
  • 8mg
  • 6mg
  • 4mg 
  • 3mg
  • 2mg
  • and 1mg.

They are useful for sufferers of all ages but may be particularly beneficial for adults over 55 years. 


Lavender is a mild way to solve sleep problems that may be due to short bouts of stress. However, lavender may not be able to adequately treat more serious sleep problems like insomnia. When used as a sleep aid, lavender can be applied as a spray to pillows and bedsheets, can be used as an aromatic oil in a bath, or can even be brewed into a tea. Just be wary if you develop any symptoms such as a rash, as some people can be quite allergic to lavender. 

Lavender oil can also be taken as a supplement. However, this is not recommended. Taking essential oils as supplements can cause problems like nausea and stomach pain. It is best to stick with candles or oil burners instead. 

Valerian Root

A centuries-old herbal remedy, Valerian can be purchased from any supermarket or health food store and is a great way to deal with mild, acute sleeping problems. Valerian comes in either capsule or tea form. For insomnia relief, you need to take 300-600 mg or steep 2-3 grams of dried valerian root for 10-15 minutes half an hour before bed and take it every night for two weeks. 

Do not take valerian for longer than a month unless advised by your physician. 


A very commonly prescribed mineral that helps with a wide range of the body’s functions, magnesium is good for your muscles and your sleep. Scientists believe this is because it relaxes your muscles and helps to regulate the body’s melatonin production. Too little magnesium can also be linked to an increase in the likelihood of sleep problems such as insomnia.

Take magnesium as an oral supplement, which can be easily purchased at any supermarket or pharmacy.


An amino acid that, like magnesium, affects many of the body’s functions, glycine can be quite useful as a sleep aid. Researchers believe it works as a sleep aid by lowering the body’s temperature in a similar way to sleep. During a research study, those who took glycine reported feeling more rested the next morning and had better concentration and energy levels the next day. 

Glycine can be bought in powdered form that is diluted in water or as a pill. Both of these can be purchased from pharmacies. The recommended dosage for glycine is 0.08g per kg of body weight. However, further testing is still being done on the optimal dosage. 

Glycine can also be incorporated into your diet naturally by eating a range of healthy foods such as bone broth, meat, eggs, spinach, kiwi fruit, bananas, and kale. Not only will a better diet mean that you receive more glycine, but you will also feel healthier in yourself and therefore be likely to sleep better. 


Passionflower can also be known as maypop. It is known to have many calming effects and can help with sleeping problems, especially those caused by anxiety. Passionflower can be taken in several forms: tea, an extract, or an oral supplement. 

According to scientific research, the best way to take passionflower to ensure the best results is to have it as a tea or an extract. Supplements may still provide some benefit, but the results of the scientific studies showed that most who took the supplement saw the smallest amount of benefit.

Get Started with Healthy Sleep Support

Whatever sleep remedy you choose to go with should depend on the severity of your sleep issue and what your doctor prescribes to you. Remember that most sleep support treatments are not recommended for long-term use, as there can be negative side effects and a risk of dependency. Make sure that you consult your doctor about any long-term sleeping problems so that they can work out the best course of action for you. 

Are you seeking to improve the quality of your sleep? Our team of physicians and qualified patient care coordinators can help you start a natural sleep aid treatment. EVOLVE prescribes its patients with Melatonin SR and Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide (DSIP) treatments. Let us help you find a healthy and effective solution for a great night’s rest!

Schedule a call with Patient Care @EVOLVE to get started!

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